電視氣象報告裡的斷掌(我的玉手)。攝影棚現場其實只有藍幕/綠幕。合成圖像時,鏡頭裡所有藍色和綠色都會被去除,換上氣象圖。所以主播衣裝絕不會是藍綠色系。 |
白努利定律(氣流快處壓力低)。小球飄浮在噴氣管口上方,並隨管緩慢轉向而移動,即使管傾斜也不墜落。 (相關補充:白努利與棒球。) |
![]() | 張衡的地動儀(也許大家都在國中歷史課本上見過)。地牛作祟時,龍口中的珠會落入蛙口裡。 |
![]() | 空纜自行車。安全服務人員是兩位帥哥,左邊那位才十一二歲吧……(>///<) |
教學影片螢幕翻拍。色調出奇的好。 |
我愛水。 |
![]() | 海賊寶典與海賊信條(*註譯)。 | ![]() |
山川壯麗,物產豐隆。 |
炎黃世冑,東亞稱雄。 |
(偽)蛛絲。 |
龜:「嘿,你看上面好像有一根蜘蛛絲!」偽鯉魚:「噢,那是我練跳高用的。」 | ![]() |
蝶室。(空纜自行車的服務正太!) |
主角。 |
斑馬。 (其實上一隻是斑蝶。這隻是鳳蝶。) |
弓。(也是鳳蝶。) |
![]() | 乖得不像真的。 |
同隻合翅。 |
* Pirates Creed of Ethics (海賊信條翻譯):
1. Ye Captain shall have full command during the time of engagement, and shall have authority at all other times to conduct the ship accordingly. He who disobeys him may be punished unless the majority vote against the punishment.
2. If ye Captain's vessel is shipwrecked, the crew pledges to remain until he has possessed himself of a vessel. If the vessel is the common property of the crew, the first vessel captured shall belong to ye Captain with one share of the spoil.
3. Ye ship's surgeon shall have two hundred crowns for the maintenance of his medicine chest and he shall receive one part of the spoil.
喬巴……噢不,是船醫應可以擁有 200 貝里……噢不,「克朗」,以維護補足醫藥箱,當然,船上的戰利品他也要有一份。
4. Ye other officers will receive each single part, and if ye distinguish yourself, the crew will determine how much reward to be given to ye.
5. Ye spoil taken from a captured ship is to be distributed in equal portion.
6. Ye who shall be the first to signal the appearance of the vessel that is captured, shall receive 100 hundred crowns.
第一個發現通報倒楣戰利船的可以拿到獎金 10000 克朗。
7. If ye lose an eye, or a hand or leg in ye said service, ye shall receive up to six slaves or six hundred crowns.
如果你在執行任務時失去一隻眼睛、一隻手或一條腿,你可以得到 6 個奴隸與 600 克朗。
8. Ye supplies and rations are to be shared equally.
9. If ye introduce on board a woman in disguise, ye shall be punished to death.
10. If one Brother steals from another, his nose or ears are to be cut off. If he sins again, he is to be given a musket, bullets, lead and a bottle of water and marooned on an island.
11. If there is any doubt in a dispute between ye Brothers, a court of honor is to decide the verdict. If a Brother is proved in the wrong, the first time he shall be pardoned, but should he offend again, he shall be tied to a gun, and there shall receive from each of the ship's company one strike of the lash. The same punishment shall be given to ye among us, including officers, who shall get drunk, while on the ship, to the point of losing ye senses.
12. Whoever shall be placed on sentry, and upon his post shall go to sleep, shall in the first case be lashed by all the Brothers, and should he again offend, his head shall be split.
13. All ye who shall plot to desert, or having deserted shall be captured, shall have ye heads split open.
14. Quarrels between several Brothers whilst aboard ye ship shall be settled ashore with pistol and sword. He that draws first blood shall be the victor. No striking another whilst aboard ye ship.
About the year 1640 the pirates formed a kind of democratic confraternity. Their vows formed the Custom of the Brothers of the Coast, often called the Pirates Creed of Ethics. It was in fact the social contract of the expedition. It was always signed by the whole ship's company before any departure when the elected Captain and the officers prepared a charter-party. Every decision of importance was discussed, followed by a vote. Courage alone conferred distinction. A pirate ship was an extremely well-ordered floating community.
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