2010年3月7日 星期日

text converter

8 則留言:

  1. Hi! I love your blog. I would like to ask you something... Could you tell me the script /code to include this tool in my blog and offer it there too? I´ve been trying to install it but I never find the good script.

    Thanks for all your help. I'll be really pleased if you could help me with this.

  2. Please look at the page source and copy the code from
    <form action="#">...

  3. OMG!!! You're my hero!! Thanks, you've helped me with something that anyone before could.

    Thanks, Thanks, Thanks!!!

  4. MKnight, sorry for asking you too many questions but could you help me at one more thing?

    I've been looking for the pagination trick but not the one AbuFarhan posted or the bloggerbuster either. I'm trying to install the pagination trick you've got here, at your blog.

    Thanks once more for everything you've helped me on.

  5. From the page source copy the code from

    <style type="text/css">
    .showpageArea ...


    ... &max-results=9999" type="text/javascript"></script>

    Paste the code by adding a gadget on the sidebar.

  6. Perfect MKnight!! I've installed it at my blog and it appears just like yours.

    On the other hand, I don't know why it shows just the first two pages and not the third, fourth... where I've got the rest of posts...

    Could you help me once more?

    Sincerely, you're my hero ^^.

  7. I can't make a diagnosis before examining your blog, although I may fail to find the problem even after I look at it.
